I Ate Lots of Good Food and Can’t Prove Any of It

So…this is awkward.  I keep eating tons of great food and this is all that I have to show for it:

(Pumpkin waffles, in their pre-waffled state.)

(Pumpkin waffles, in their pre-waffled state.)

ONE PICTURE.  One!  How did this happen?  Since I got home from school, I baked banana bread, made tons of eggs on toast, pumpkin waffles, tacos, tostadas, french toast…oh, and I can’t forget the times I’ve eaten out.  There was barbecue chicken, breakfast sandwiches, and my favorite (which happened today), coconut-quinoa pancakes!

***Fun fact: those pancakes also had blueberries and walnuts in them and were topped with GRILLED BANANAS.  With strawberries on the side.  It was a fruit lover’s dream.

So needless to say, I have a habit of eating my food before I have the chance to take a picture of it…usually because my hunger status is “I need to EAT ALL THE THINGS” so photographing is low-priority. 😀

My goal for the next few weeks: take more pictures!  And I’m not talking solely about food – just in general.  I love reading other blogs and seeing pictures of what other bloggers are up to, and there is so much that I talk about on here that you guys never get to actually see!  So that is going to change. 🙂

I hope that everyone is having a great week so far.  Have an awesome Wednesday!

4 thoughts on “I Ate Lots of Good Food and Can’t Prove Any of It

  1. I can relate! I was just wondering myself if I would ever have pics for my blog! Glad to know I’m not alone in this.

  2. So when you say tacos, do you mean breakfast tacos??? Or regular ones? Do share! And the coconut quinoa pancakes sound amazing! My husband hates quinoa so I keep trying to think of interesting ways to make it so that he’ll like it, lol.

    • Regular tacos! But I do love breakfast tacos so that may be a thing this week. 🙂 The coconut quinoa pancakes were amazing. You couldn’t taste the quinoa at all…I think I’m going to try to make my own recipe based on the ones I had at the restaurant, coming soon!

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